



2024-07-21 05:22:47 来源:网络


looks just like翻译??
看起来和什么一样He looks just like me, you know, Joana. At least he used to.你知道的🪡_|🐥🦉,琼娜他和我长得一模一样😺🎈——👺,至少以前很像.He looks just like his former self.他看上去和以往一样👽🎏_|🦠。
It looks just like a pig.它就像只猪一样(它看上去根本就像只猪😿🤬-🦄!)较指定It looks like a pig 它就像只猪较表面😚-——🦉,


it looks just like what I see when I take my glasses off是什么...
他把衬衫塞进裤腰里🙄——🦈🦇,将皮包夹在腋下🐸——🐺,看上去俨然一副老板模样.He, with his shirt tucked into the waistband, and a leather bag under his arm, looks just like a boss.希望我的回答可以帮到你🌾——🐋。
like 是什么意思求翻译??
好像二🐂_——🌑、短语1😹🐷|_🎉🎃、like crazy 拼命地🦎🧨|-🥍*;口]发疯似的2🍁🎣——_🥉🐬、like what 举个例子吧🦠🎄——🦋🦦;比如说3*|🦩*、like mad [口]疯狂地🐒|-♠;猛然地🪡||😠🏉;极度地4🎄🎣-🐪🎑、like it or not 不管你喜欢不喜欢三*🦂——|🐅🐹、例句1🐂_🕊🐒、He looks like Father Christmas.他长得像圣诞老人😮🦟|🦮🌍。2🥍-🐍🌿、What was Bulgaria like?保加利亚情况怎么样?
意思是差不多的🦝🔮-——🎎,但是它们强调的不一样🐬——🕷🦑。前者with no wings是一个伴随状语不是主句的必须成分🌸😻|🤔🐘,即可有可无😰-_🐪,删掉了这个句子仍然语法正确🐏🤫|-*🦛,所以这句话的意思仅仅是陈述事实🪡🧨--🐺:它看起来像(没有翅膀的)飞机🐚🦁——-💥;后者在语法中是一个复杂句🎄🎭——🦮🐍,“它像飞机”和“它没有翅膀”是并列的😤🦗——🤡🦄,是同等重要的🐝🐒|——🌍🐉,甚至强调说完了😠-🪀🎗。
it just looks like our village 翻译 谢谢??
it just looks like our village 它只是看起来像我们的村庄🎆_🦃🐒,
1. The boy tucked his shirt in/into his pants, carrying the wallet under his arm, looked just like a boss.2. 别人都听说过这个消息了😘|-🤡🐥,而你却从来没听说过😴😞-——🥈,你说怪不怪?2. You never heard of the news while all others have heard of it. Isn't it strange/odd/weird?tuck sth希望你能满意🦛-😶。
jonathan krohn看上去好像只有13岁🦔——_🐪🧩,
look, seem 之后可接介词like🦅🦐|🌟♣,但appear 之后一般不能🐨_🤬:eg:He just looks like his brother. 他的模样就像他的哥哥🌍--🐚。He seems like a fool. 他看起来像个傻瓜*🐝-_🐹。sound like 基本翻译*🦠_|🐺:听起来像网络释义🏒🌪|🦗🏸:sound like:听起来像|听看来像sound like fun:听起来有趣sound like a ghost:听起来希望你能满意🦩🧐|-😎。